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 So this will be my 200th post in like so many years! I thought of writting something special but nothing out of the norm happened today. In fact the day is so normal that I wish every day could just be like today. However I am rather proud of myself to not have played any PVP games in Gunbound today or approximately 24 hours and I am having no signs or symptoms of game withdrawal. 

Woke up at 630am since I promised my friend to go for a jog and it sort of drizzle but I continued with my plans. Took a 6Litre bottle along to get filtered water. It was already 710am when I step out of the door. Manage to do 5.4KM in 40minutes and then proceed to do fun exercise by Will Liu, somehow I really feel the burn in my thighs doing his exercises. The music is catchy and I Love it everytime he says “就是这样,你做得很棒,继续加油!” I feel motivated and since it is so much fun I felt like my surroundings do not exist and I just focused on the exercise. So that was 30 minutes and by the time I checked my phone it was already 820am and there’s a text from the boss asking me if I am interested to assist in doing private case but the text was 40 minutes ago. I replied that I could help out but needed time to get ready and he told me to come in later. Actually later is rather vague so I filled my water bottle and went back to my room to freshen up and have some light breakfast. 

By the time I got home it was already 850am and it took me an hour and 20 minutes before I am back to the hospital again. I had apple cider vinegar with honey and then a glass of sweet potato health drink and placed my used clothes into a pail to soak with the intention to wash them at night. Somehow doing exercise makes me happy and I put on my favorite earring and a casual dress and went to work. I felt beautiful and felt everything was starting out great. Although I only get to wear my dress for 20 minutes as I got to change to operating theater attire, it still makes me happy (I like it because it is flowy). I immediately went to check on the boss and I happened to walk in the right moment. He set up everything so nicely that I could be on “auto-pilot” mode. Manage to complete 10 single best questions and revisit the heart’s arterial supply and Intra aortic balloon pump. In between he gave me a 45 minutes break and I ate a piece of chicken and two cookies. 

By 2pm everything was done and I proceeded to do preoperative assessment for the next day (also private cases, *insert the doge emoji*). Come to think of it I really Love the doge emoji and the eating melon emoji so much on Wechat! So by the time I completed premed, it was 310pm and I felt hungry. My nice colleague manage to get me a proper lunch and I was shocked to know that for the same item I buy on Grab app it's cheaper by almost 5 ringgits. I am NEVER going to use Grab app to order food anymore. Besides, I often tip the delivery person as I felt bad at times (I don’t know why I should feel obligated to tip). So my day for my studies officially starts at 4pm. 

What I did from 4-10pm: 

1) finished 4 short answer questions where each question should be finished by 20 minutes so that's 80minutes. 

2) Received free teaching by my collegue on lung function tests which are a series of tests to evaluate a person’s Respiratory reserve and also diagnostic for lung pathologies. That was about almost an hour long. At least I have a better picture now and could elaborate what is a 6 minute walk test and what is a cardiopulmonary exercise test. I realized if I read on my own it's slower and having someone explain to me it is faster. Leeching has always been my best way of learning and I am so glad I have so many available smart colleagues to “latch” on. 

3) went through examiner report for 2012 November short answer question. Examiner reports those days are much more valuable than the current ones that does not provide a sample of model answer thus leaving me in the dark. I reviewed tetralogy of fallot too in the midst of going through 2015 report. 

Okay so I did not hit my goal of 30SBAs and 4 years worth of SAQs but did I waste time? No, I didnt. Was I on social media or GBM? Not really but I did login GBM for the rewards and World Boss. I think I deserve some stars in my imaginary report card today.

The only thing that I wish could be done is the laundry and I shall leave it to tomorrow morning as it is raining now and it is just the optimal temperature for me to sleep. Good night! 

Achieve more tomorrow! 


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