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Showing posts from July, 2024


 今天特别想家。为了好好利用时间,我想我不能再回家了。我得等考完试才能回家。可是我很想家啊!昨晚,痒痒男约我吃晚餐, 我们去了一间自助火锅店。这是我第一次吃自助火锅,我们俩也很好笑坐了下来一直等着服务员,幸好服务员察觉我们还在傻傻的等就向我们解说一切自便。 火锅和烧烤都是个人式, 我拿了烤盘就看见上面有一张纸,就以为是没什么作用,把它折起来放在一旁,哪知道原来烧烤时是必须放在烧烤盘上的。哎~这间店什么解说都没! 其实食物也没有很好吃,麻辣烫一点都不麻也不辣。肉类海鲜也很少,我吃不过瘾。加上我有点怀疑他的水就是科技与恨活, 都是色素, 冰淇淋更不用说。马币三十任吃一个小时我觉得不值得,因为吃的都不是什么新鲜菜肴。 昨天坐了痒痒男的车就特别想老公开的车。痒痒男开车好休闲啊,然后每次到红绿灯我都必须提醒他,快呀绿灯啦!我已经习惯老公开的快车,我自己也喜欢开快车,所以坐上一个超休闲的慢车我有点受不了。 我很喜欢做我老公的乘客,我曾经对他说,世界上我只相信三个人的驾车技术,我爸爸,我的好朋友(也就是他的弟弟)和他。我记得我和他弟弟在十五岁左右就喜欢坐车绕绕家乡,当然都是非法开车因为都没驾照,然后有一次在一个很狭窄有拐弯的路,有一辆车从对面开进了我们的道路可是我的朋友反应很快而且是一只手控制键盘,把那辆车给散了。要不然肯定我们出车祸,而且就算不是我们的错都会被罚因为没驾照。 这些回忆我都一直收藏起来,因为现在想起来就觉得自己少年时真的很叛逆! 何时再能做老公的乘客呢? 天啊,就让我快点过关呀,备考的心情很难受呀!  


 I can’t sleep. I really would love to go to bed right now. The last 3 days I discovered that I am not technology savvy at all. If I am a character in a game, my HP would be less than half now after trying to design my scientific poster presentation. I was grousing about other people not knowing about the concept of time but I myself made the mistake of taking up too much than I can chew. I lack foresight of what will life be after 2 months later and now that I am at “two months later”, I am overwhelmed.  Good thing that YouTube offers a lot of tutorials and I was able to use Microsoft Excel stacked bar charts to make a graph out of my Likert scale data. I think to make life easy I need to watch more tutorials on how to use Microsoft Excel. Probably I wasted 48 hours of my life designing and redesigning my poster after my superiors gave tons of opinions. However I am thankful for the newly gained experience and knowledge. I just wish the timing was right as now is the wrong time to be

I am Sad

 I was able to ignore a lot of things, and I was able to find an alternative whenever I faced a negative emotion. I could opt for "it's okay" when I do not feel okay and I think I just exhausted myself sufficiently at this present state. I know I am stressed and I told myself not to succumb to pressure and to stay optimistic, happy, and invincible. I just cannot do so right now despite eating bananas (it is said to help with low mood). I don't know if I am angry, disappointed, or just sad right now. I just cannot decide on those emotions. I know I have two options now. To write all about it and it will only generate bad energy or to learn to let go. Perhaps I should just let go.  I just wish people who are important in my life could value time and have a concept of time. It frustrates me when they do not give value to time and do not know how to plan a reasonable schedule in accordance to the time allocated. All the time and effort I had placed to preplan and prepay t


  昨天我顺利完成了会议前的一项作坊,虽然需要考试可是题目很简单,我考了满分。   还没到古晋前,学长已经约我一起吃晚餐,尽然难得可以再次见面我也答应了。我们去了一个叫  “Bla Bla Bla”  的餐馆,上桌的每道菜都很好吃。我们点了蒸石斑鱼、海鲜豆腐、芒果鸭、黑狗鸡和炸树仔菜。   饮料就来了一大壶的香兰龙眼水,真没想过这样的搭配也很好喝。   我崇拜的学哥就像以往一样很有爱心的帮大家夹菜。   坐我身边的学姐也帮我夹菜,感觉好温馨,好幸福有缘认识他们。   虽然他们毕业后我很少和他们保持联络,可是见面时就有一种很熟悉的感觉。我也发现自己在他们面前是可以很轻松的交谈,因此我很珍惜和他们在一起的时间。昨晚是我第一次和他们一起唱 K ,   刚开始是有点不好意思唱,可是后来越唱越想继续不停的唱。   就算走音也不觉得尴尬因为大家很善良也一直鼓励我点歌。   有好多首歌我只会副歌的部分,这一点学长们也发现所以到了副歌就把麦克风传给我,真是爱心满满的!   有一首歌的影片是 “ 比悲伤更悲伤的故事 ” 的剪辑,我学长们都说别看这部电影会哭得很惨。   我刚开始认不出来影片里的戏,后来继续看才知道是那一部了。   有人还说看了会很生气因为女主角就把戏里的医生当了备胎。我只是到现在搞不懂戏的结局是什么意思。   我以为是女主角陪着患上末期癌症的情人一起死(就是她自杀),可是有人说是两个人一起患上末期癌症然后互相隐瞒对方。   到底是哪个呢?反正我觉得我那时候的眼泪真的白流。   伤心的戏真的不适合我看。   学长们都把他们诚心的祝福献给我,说我考试肯定过关!   收了那么多的正能量,感觉自己好像又重生的感觉。   昨天我也没什么机会玩坦克宝贝,   也许来参加会议能帮助我慢慢适应少点玩游戏的日子。   愿三个多月后,我能专注玩游戏!   好想和中国群里的大佬学习,让我在游戏界里能射一些很帅的炮然后剪成帖子在群里秀。   嘻嘻

Memorable July

I remembered last year I said something about letting July be July and did not blog for the whole month (I might be wrong due to recall bias) and I also listened to a song with “July” in it. It all feels like it was just yesterday but it was a year ago. This July seems to be a wonderful one. 1/7 - The beginning of our home! Thank you to our families for their support and I believe the new environment will bring more luck to the both of us!  2/7 - given a free study day without having to take my own leaves. I think having a free day means a great deal as my mind is free and I get to focus just on study and not think about work. I still cannot work and study simultaneously like most of my colleagues.  3/7 - Business finds me. It is always lovely when my time spent doing the things I love is reciprocated with money. Besides I am giving lots of value and it feels good when that energy bounce back in the form of money. I think it is the best way to feel appreciated. Oh I pocketed more than