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 The past 7 days have been really challenging as my health suffered due to inconsiderate people around me and partly because I failed to take good care of myself. The weather have turned colder and it is the season for the cold virus to be attacking susceptible victims. I found myself hating almost everyone in the department because majority have no cough ethics and I do wonder if they have been through a pandemic and if they qualify as health care worker. It annoys me a lot that my college would pull down his mask to cough…… 

Oh, I just realized I did not finish the above post and that was written on 7/11/24. I feel like I just came back from being half dead. I have never felt so sick and alone and scared. I had my blood drawn a total of 4 times and this is the most number of blood taking I ever have consecutively. First it was by a very professional medical assistance, then by a registra in my department followed by a colleague and finally a nurse. I should say I was lucky all of them had good blood taking skills. I was too weak to even think of looking for EMLA  (Euthethic mixture of local anaesthesia) to apply to the venipuncture site and I had to suffer the feeling of momentary sharp pain. I really hate needles and I just can’t believe I was so brave to proceed with all those horrible blood taking which did not yield any benefit. I was only diagnosed as having "viral" fever in the end since dengue combo test was negative x3 despite everyone thinking it was dengue as my total white count was low. I also had a chest xray done and it looked normal. The part that caused me a lot of heartache was the medicine I bought from a nearby pharmacy, it was so expensive! Since I was having arthralgia and myalgia with high fever I just agreed to whatever pricing and didn't question further. I paid MYR200+ just for paracetamol, cough syrup, 10 tablets of Co-Amoxiclav and a box of cool fever (6packs). I was shocked a box of cool fever was MYR60 but I needed it so I just paid but later on the same box at another place was only MYR30+. I do feel like reporting this incident to consumer protection but they did not give me a receipt. I only have the evidence of a bank transaction. I also took a day of sick leave, it was silly as the doctor asked me how many days I wanted and could grant me a maximum of 3 days. However I did not want to bring inconvenience to others and so took 1 day off. Being sick sucks as I was too weak to do my oncall and I asked help from others to do the oncall with extra incentive of MYR200. To conclude, being sick have cost me more than a month’s room rental! 

Right now I do wonder what are my cell counts like but since I am well I did not recheck it. I was a bit concern when I had bleeding from gums while brushing my teeth yesterday but it probably was because I brushed too hard. Being sick alone made me miss home tremendously and I was glad my husband did surprise me by visiting me. I was feeling so down because I had to neglect my exam preparations and I just feel like lying on my bed the whole day. Somehow I feel my partner loves me a little bit more the past few days since his visit. Maybe because I am leaving him soon to go back to my hometown, or maybe he have always been attentive but I never realised it. I was touched that he took me to eat Bak Kut Teh for all my meals in order to help me cure my “cold” cough. It was funny that I had 4 consecutive meal of Bak Kut Teh followed by yellow rice wine chicken soup (which was horrible and can’t compare with the one made by my mother in law). 

I am still having this annoying baseline cough which affects my sleep and gosh I missed world boss for tonight :( 

Praying hard for an excellent performance tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and after that I will pack my stuff to go home (for good). 


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