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Showing posts from June, 2024

Remote Wife

 If all goes well, the 1st of July would be the day we move house! Provided the home is ready for us to move as it is quite empty now. This was also one of my concerns as rituals stated that the master bedroom must have the bed and wardrobe and the kitchen should have the stove. I am not sure how is my partner going to cope with getting all that stuff as most places barely offer instant delivery and some items may need to be ordered and all these need time. So as a wife who always plans for everything, I can only tell him "对不起宝贝,这些临时的事我是没什么经验,我帮不了你。我只能说“加油,加油!”给你精神上的支持“。  After a year plus of being a wife, I learned that there are things that you need to stand on the sidelines and watch patiently. The best you can do as a wife is never nag or say stuff to aggravate the situation. So, doing nothing at all is better than trying to fix things because by trying to help you will end up getting stressed and it builds resentment over time. This is one useful skill that I mastered after m


 It is 26 degrees now and my room had just the right temperature the tiles are cold and I am not sweating like I used to. I switch on the lamp my friend gave me, it has a nice yellow glow. Somehow it is such a romantic atmosphere and I miss my Loved one so much. It felt incomplete to have a hanging conversation as I was busy with an online webinar. I learned about perioperative fluid management in neonates from an awesome neonatologist from India. One of the things I learned is that human albumin is not routinely given nor is it a choice for fluid resuscitation in neonates. Always choose crystalloids namely 0.9% normal saline or 0.45% normal saline. Always remember to give glucose supplements as neonates are prone to hypoglycemia due to the immature liver. Some seniors shared that the practice is to continue the maintenance fluids from the neonatal intensive care unit and to have a separate drip for fluid resuscitation intraoperatively. I somehow forgot that blood transfusions require

Birthday Paradox

 Today is Eid Al-Adha, I Googled that because I am only familiar with the local term "Hari Raya Haji" and my Indonesian friend thinks the way we called it is cute. I was invited to my neighbor's parents' house for lunch but I was too exhausted after not sleeping for 26 hours and decided to decline the invitation. As usual, it was hot and humid in my room and I woke up feeling a little cranky. However it was transient as I pulled up the blinds to see dark frowny clouds pasted on the sky and it looked like the sky was going to weep at any moment which made me happy. The weather reminds me of a lesson - too much of a good thing is good for nothing. I used to hate gloomy weather as a child and whenever dusk comes it often gives me a feeling of sadness especially when it rains. I cannot explain any reason for it but I do recall feeling sad whenever the sky is painted by shades of grey. As an adult, I continued to love the sun until the warmth from it was unbearable which d


 今天我认识了一对来自山东的夫妇,他们是在我大学的博士生。 我一直都想和中国人交朋友因为我很喜欢中国文化,而且他们的国家有很多美丽的风景和好吃的菜肴。 我知道让病人或病人家属加我在Whatsapp是不专业的举动可是他们要求加我是因为我们能互相沟通。我也同情他们人在国外而且又刚好来到一个华人偏少的医院。 我想,我现在工作的地方大约95%的医务人员都是不会用华语沟通。 别说整个医院,就连我麻醉部门里的上师只有一个印度人,其他都是马来人,没有华人。 尽然我自己的丈夫在国内动手术和住院时都让我感到很紧张,我觉得外国人遇到沟通问题又得接收治疗心里一定会更担心更难过。 所以我决定把“专业”放一边,把自己的电话号码给了病人的太太。我也不敢说 ”我们交个朋友吧“ 因为感觉好像很不合适,可是我希望如果有一天能在不同的场合遇见我想和他们交个朋友。  我真的很感恩我爸爸坚持让我读华校,让我认识汉语。有时有点内疚没好好学习,因为我的汉语水平不是很高,而且文言文更别说了,我根本看不懂。我很欣赏可以用华文写出优美句子的人,中学时我很喜欢诗歌朗诵,成语,谚语,格言和文言文。当时我背书多过读书所以现在我写的东西听起来好像没接收过华文教育 (华文老师,真对不起!)我也想起了中国历史老师说过的”背多分“, 就是死背而获取很多分, 我中国历史当初是拿一百分可是现在再考我的话我连朝代的次序也搞糊涂了。希望现代的教育方式有更改,别再鼓励学生读死书,要激发他们的思考和创意能力,这样才能栽培出文笔好的人才。  我丈夫还常常嘲笑我是个独中毕业生可是华语水准尽然比不过他,而且我不会繁体字,只会简体字。我不介意他笑我因为我英语比他好所以我们都是互相嘲笑互相学习。 提起丈夫我就想念他了! 不懂我上师怎么安排时间表,我这个周末值班下个周末又值班,我想逃到金马轮都没机会。 宝贝老公,我现在的心情就像这首 歌 一样!真的不是因为寂寞才想你,就是因为想你才寂寞!我还是不是很喜欢”老公“,”老婆“这些称号因为有个“老”字,感觉好像叫多了会变老。我还是喜欢“宝贝”可是有时觉得“老公”或“老婆”很顺口很亲切。哦,我刚查了百度,现在我懂了”老公“和”老婆“的 由来 ,原来”老“是代表亲昵及尊敬, 这样就让我改观啦。 多么希望我的宝贝老公能突然出现在我眼前,可是我知道他忙,我也不想他一个人开远途车浪费精力和时间为了见我一面。 未来我们的


 I have never expected a distressed call from a colleague to be an eye-opener for me. A really horrible experience that sucked out all the good vibrations in me. I witnessed Love that has expired or transformed into anger and spite. Blogging about it will not erase the unbelievable encounter. Furthermore, it wasn't "a" distressed call, I was being bombarded by phone calls from the same person 5 times in 10 minutes despite making it clear I was working and I could not go off duty to provide assistance. I still don't understand why of all people I have to get involved.  It was a problem about a wife being uncomfortable with her husband's daily habit of texting a female colleague/ friend after going through his phone. I was forced to see the messages and I did not see any signs of flirting or abnormalities other than the daily messages which revolved around where to eat and workplace gossip. My colleague was the wife and she was clearly in desperation which affected

Goodbye Hug

Out of the blue my friend texted me today to have hi tea at one of the 4 star hotels here. He told me he have a voucher for 2 and asked if I would like to go. I was thinking why not, since I am free and I have never been there for hi tea and also the voucher would go to waste if it is not used. Sadly when I checked online, it was not available for hi tea today and the next available date is on 15th June. Good thing I checked as I immediately informed him and it saved us from making an unnecessary trip there. He invited me as he have some things to pass to me since he can't pack everything back home and hope the items could benefit others. I was happy that we got to meet again as I thought the other day was the final goodbye.  We ended up going to a cafe since he said he still would like to have tea. He had a waffle with dragon lychee soda and I ordered croissant, mixed potato and sweet potato fries, and an orange juice. I lied to him that I would pay with QR pay so that he wouldn&#

Heartfelt Goodbye

 I just returned from dinner from a place I never knew existed here. It has a nice ambiance, the food was good, and it served alcohol. I have made a pact with myself to not consume alcohol at the moment as I had alcoholic beverages almost daily since I got home in the form of cocktails and I think I had enough for the time being. Tonight's outing was to celebrate a friend's success in the completion of his studies and as a farewell before he leaves Malaysia for good on Monday. Despite knowing him for a year, I did not get to speak much with him since we are from different specialties. I almost forgot how we met but he reminded me before I said goodbye and if he did not mention it, I surely would have forgotten the experience.  Before jumping into theories, I quickly searched for reasons why some people who we never knew in our lives feel familiar because this was what he told me and I hope I am not having a recall bias as I agreed that I had felt the same. He jogged back my mem

Let’s Feast!

 Finally sampled the cake my brother made and I would give it a 9/10. Mama’s cozy birthday celebration was a great success and I was so relieved that no one spent their time in the kitchen the whole day as there was very good teamwork. I look forward to parties at home but I dislike seeing family members spend majority of time cooking or doing chores because I want all of us to  be able to have some leisure time together.  The first thing I asked when I woke up was “so what time do we plan to finish cooking?” And the reply was “2pm”. I just cannot accept that answer and immediately went into my efficient mode and asked which tasks I could help out. This was the same mode I went into when we were shopping together yesterday and my brother think it is funny. Since I dislike shopping for groceries, I suggested that we play a game where we memorize the shopping list and try to grab everything on the list as fast as possible. Turns out none of them played my game and I was the only one exci


 Our tongues are not just tasting but also for appreciation of the texture of food. I think I do have talent in making desserts when it comes to taste but somehow today I failed on the texture. I think the reason I failed was because I was not adhering to instructions and thought I could just “agak-agak” (roughly estimate) everything. I also often felt that making a non bake cake should be a piece of cake but I was wrong.  Since half of the avocadoes were ripe, I decided to make avocado lime cheesecake which does not require baking. I have never made a non bake cake before and thought that it would be awesome if I could experiment making one. I also reminded myself to stay away from those recepies that requires baking as the last I attempted making a baked avocado cake, it taste bitter.  I was sort of dreaming about my success as I eagerly told my mom that I want my sister-in-law to taste my hand-made cake and be blown away by it. Since she makes delicious desserts which are aesthetica

Prank Gone Right

 It was a great success! I had a good laugh myself as I had to wait at the bus station for an hour before my dad could pick me as he was servicing his car. I tried my very best to convince my parents to pick the parcel up soon and despite me telling them to standby around 1000-1030 they didn’t. The weather was hot and I continued lying to my mom saying I had a busy call and need to rest now and the parcel is a pink box. She asked me if it is edible things, I told her it is not but it needs to be kept cool and it is quite expensive so better to collect it soon. I was so bored and video called my brother and he laughed at me for having to go through a hiccup between my plans as he had always been skeptical about it. I assured him that no matter how busy a person is, there will be a break and my dad will eventually come and pick the parcel and I will just need to wait.  While waiting, I ordered myself a nice bowl of Soto Ayam which cost only MYR7 (I am surprised as I had no idea that ther