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Prank Gone Right

 It was a great success! I had a good laugh myself as I had to wait at the bus station for an hour before my dad could pick me as he was servicing his car. I tried my very best to convince my parents to pick the parcel up soon and despite me telling them to standby around 1000-1030 they didn’t. The weather was hot and I continued lying to my mom saying I had a busy call and need to rest now and the parcel is a pink box. She asked me if it is edible things, I told her it is not but it needs to be kept cool and it is quite expensive so better to collect it soon. I was so bored and video called my brother and he laughed at me for having to go through a hiccup between my plans as he had always been skeptical about it. I assured him that no matter how busy a person is, there will be a break and my dad will eventually come and pick the parcel and I will just need to wait. 

While waiting, I ordered myself a nice bowl of Soto Ayam which cost only MYR7 (I am surprised as I had no idea that there is still such reasonably priced food, usually it is MYR9 and above for a standard bowl of noodle soup). I also know the best way to kill time is to play GBM and my neck was tired from contantly looking up from my screen and back to my screen as I did not want to miss my dad. However my dad came from the other side and by the time I noticed his car, he wasn’t in it and I panicked as I did not want him to go looking for the parcel. Too late, he was already askong the person in charge and was getting a bit flustered that there is no pink box and he doesn’t have a serial number. I quickly ran to him and called him but he must have been distracted and is not expecting anyone to call him “papa” so he did not respond and I reach out and tap his back. The only regret I had was not being able to record his face because as he turned around his eyes was wide and he was stunned for a moment as I apologize to the person and said “okay the pink box is here” referring to my luggage and then my dad finally responded with “hey, since when you are back?”. 

We hop into the car and I braced myself for a lecture which did not happen and when he found out it was only for a short while he responded with the typical savvy Asian dad style “so short only? Aiya why you come back, waste time and money”. Yeah right, I know he is so thrilled that I am back and he actually reprimanded me for not telling him as it could have prevented me from waiting very long at the bus stop. I explained I wanted to give my mom a surprise and he said I could have at least tell him and he can keep the surprise from my mom. I told him I also wanted to surprise him and he just shooked his head. He kept saying he cannot believe I am home and proceed to call my brother and threatened to scold my brother for not telling him the “serial number” in a joking manner. It was my turn to laugh when he called my brother on loud speaker and asked about the serial number and my brother was unable to say anything and was stalling in a very hilarious manner. I gave my famous giggle and he was relieved that I am already with dad. The day before when he picked me from the airport he told me he accidentally told my dad that he is going to the airport to fetch me just to see my reaction. I told him if he ever ruin my prank I will unfriend him (it is just a childish way since childhood whenever we have a beef with our friends we will say “不要kawan你” and Kawan means friend in Bahasa Malaysia so it means “don’t wanna friend you”). However my brother gave me and dad a good idea on how to surprise my mom further - the plan is for me to hide in the car and let her open the car door to find me. Prior to that dad made a phone call to her to complain that he couldn’t find the parcel as there is no serial number, mom was busy with spring cleaning and she actually was quite snappy. Dad can be very playfuland sometimes when mom is busy it pisses her a lot. He was saying the parcel is so big that it requires a crane to pick it up and in the end mom was like “so in the end did you take it or not?”. Her annoyance was palpable and I kept signalling to my dad not to piss her further. 

Once we reached home I went into a reclined position and took my phone out to start recording. As dad asked her to go and take the parcel herself, I could hear her laughing and saying “why it is a very small parcel is it?”. As she open the car door I sat up like a pop-up toy from a box and said “hello mama!” giving mom a shock as she jumped back and screamed. I recorded that moment and as I hugged her, somehow I felt overwhelm myself and tears drop down but it was tears of joy. Dad immediately took a chilled oat drink for me to enjoy and they kept saying please don’t ever do this in the future! I felt blissful and all they cared was my welbeing and asked me what would I like to have for lunch and dinner and told me to have a nice shower and have a good massage on the massage chair and take a nap. They always made me feel so loved and I think no one will ever be able to beat the unconditional Love they gave me. I was still full from the brunch I ate and decided not to eat anymore. After an uninterrupted deep sleep, I asked my mom to call my mother in law out for tea. I also wanted to head out to wear the traditional dress I bought last year as it is fitting for the harvest festival theme. I felt a little concious that the dress have tiny dangling decoratives that made the sound of bells when I walked. I felt like a walking wind chime but I think I shouldn’t care to much since the actual traditional clothing had many tiny bells on it too and mine is a modernised low-key version. 

Mother in law was very happy to see me and somehow I can see it in her eyes that she must be missing her children too. She was laughing till her tears came out and she kept telling my parents it is a beautiful memory and not to reprimand me for pulling such prank. We had the best tofufah in town along with some sweet potato fries and mother in law gave me lots of dragon fruits from her farm. I was a little sad to know that my parents had a wedding dinner to go to the next day which is today at another town and right now as I’m typing this I am alone at home. They did asked me if I would like to tag along and they could just inform the relatives that I am coming along but I think since the wedding is in a hotel and the guest list is finalised earlier, I do not want to create additional trouble for my relatives. I also do not think I am in the mood to attend social events and prefer enjoying the fruits of my blood, sweat and tears by staying home. Mother in law knows I am alone and had asked her reliable helper to make rice wine chicken soup for me along with some avocados. I felt bad I couldn’t accompany her to sell fruits tomorrow and she will be travelling down to Kota Kinabalu at 12am. Despite being on a holiday, I had online classes and I attended the one today about valvular heart lesions and anaesthetic considerations. Was hoping to have tomorrow free but it seems there is a 4 hours online class planned tomorrow. Well, learning and enjoying can always go hand in hand and I felt it would be so awesome if I could just stay home in my hometown and study till the day of my exams. Home definitely have better energy and inspiration compared to my rented room. Ugh, my neighbour in Kelantan told me my room door is wide open for past 2 days, I’m not sure how the tie become loose as I can no longer lock my door and every time I am away I will tie the door knob to the grill. I am unconcerned right now but I know it will be a headache for me to clean my room if any cats go in again. I will be arriving at night and I don’t think I will have the energy to clean my room, I think I will ask my neighbour if I could just camp at her room for the night. 

Parents just video called me from the wedding dinner and I know they are very pleased with the surprise as they mentioned it to relatives - so typical of parents flexing about their children caring for them. However I do feel annoyed every time they want me to have a child of my own and the way they say it makes me feel emotionally blackmailed. My dad said before he departs Earth he would like to see his grandchild and he hope I can have at least one child. I wish sometimes they can stop imposing their wants and wishes that are very unreasonable on me. Besides it is a very selfish thing to want grandchildren knowing that the person who is going to be responsible for the child will be me and my partner and not them and we clearly do not want that sort of responsibility. First and foremost I don’t exist to breed (okay I know that’s a crude way to put it) and I strongly believe this world is overpopulated and I hate living in densely populated place. Things were nice 25 years ago when there was no traffic jam at my hometown and less housings and it felt like opportunities were abundant. I also do not wish to see myself dedicating the next half of my life to raise a decent person with good education and skills - it is just so taxing on every aspect! Many would be shocked with my thinking and may even see me as an evil person who is so selfish just because I don’t like and don’t want children but who cares it is my life to live. 

I really hope class finishes earlier tomorrow and I really need to go give my faithful Rainbow his shower with warm water and lots of bubbly shampoo. Rainbow is my driving force for a lot of things in life and next to my parents I think Rainbow loves me most or maybe even more because he doesn’t demand anything from me. I do wonder if Rainbow could talk, what would he say to me. My well planned surprise was successful but my trip is still not a success if I did not properly groom Rainbow. I only have less than 72 hours left at my hometown and I got to ensure that tomorrow Rainbow gets his spa treatment from me otherwise I will feel extremely guilty and will not go back to Kelantan with a contented heart. I pray Rainbow can live longer and that this is not the last I see him. 


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