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Showing posts from April, 2008

Her Dream, His Dream

Once upon-a-time... ...and they lived happily ever after The End I bet most of the fairy tales we hear during our childhood years sounded very similar if not exactly as the statement above. I have always wanted my life to be similar to those story where there's magic, love, eternal happiness and most important of all my very own prince! Please note that prince here refers to life-partner and it does not equal to the average "boyfriend". It's not like I'm going to be seen with a wedding ring and a veil over my head very soon but I do admit, I would really love to get married with my prince as fast as possible so that I can reach the part of the story where " they live happily ever after". However, I learn that in reality, nothing can be as flawless as in the tales which have been the basic foundation of my life. If life has no flaws, earth would have been known as heaven. Even so, life is still beautiful and I learn that for a marriage to

Q&A – Decisions in Life

It’s been long since I wrote anything in my blog and the reason is because I’ ve been so busy with my life. Even so, I don’t see any outcome from all the things I have done as they seem to be meaningless. In school, I’m forced to take subjects which I do not wish to take and I also devote almost three quarter of my time on those useless subjects. I feel really irritated and I can’t describe the intensity of my irritation. Anyway, I can’t do a thing about it so I’ll don’t see why do I need to elaborate my frustrations. All I know is I’m waiting for the time to come when I can finally drop those ridiculous subjects. Right now, I have a question which I am not sure how to answer and this question used to just pass through my mind without having me to think over about it. However, the case is different now as a friend of mind took this question as a measurement to test my ability of making important decision. Before that, I want to review the question once again, here’s how it goes: Two p