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Showing posts from April, 2010


I do wonder what is he doing at 1.45am. I thought he was suppose to be in bed, asleep. It worries me to find a reply from him at such late hours or probably there is a glitch with the network? I am not sure. Anyway I feel like I am left hanging and it isn't the best feeling ever. If he is worried I do hope that he can find ways to be worry free cause it pains me to see him worried. If he is working till that late I do hope he can get his work done and rest earlier. I hope it is the latter cause it feels much better to know he was staying up working than worrying. Yeah...certainly can't imagine him with a worried look cause he always have this smiling face that is really cute and adorable! Perhaps I should ask him cause I know he will not call me ever again ever since he said somethings. Well, I guess for the sake of care I don't mind being the less ego party and call him. There's no point in being ego or cold cause life is short and we should live life to the fullest!

I Do Wonder

Will you hurt the one you love? When she cries on the phone will you remain stone cold and just leave her in that state? Recently I saw a good friend of mine crying in the toilet and I felt bad. First of all she is my housemate and I find her to be a plesant person and that is why I felt a sense of concern when I see her crying herself out in the toilet. When I offered to lend a ear she just told me that she will be okay in a while's time and it is nothing...just some boyfriend thing. It amazed me that guys these days do not know how to appreciate their love ones. If I were a guy I would not have cut the line leaving my girlfriend crying. I will only do so after consoling her. Anyway $%^& the guys these days! Not to be rude but you can see how women are starting to dominate the world in most areas as women treasure what they have and they always try their best to achieve the best (most of them). I am not saying all men is bad but in my opinion MOST of the 21st century young men