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Showing posts from May, 2024

Witty Author

 In my secondary school, Russell Lee's True Singapore Ghost Story was my best companion and it was from his book that I learned about some of the names of places in Singapore. I somehow do not find those ghost stories to be scary or haunting maybe because I lack imagination on ghostly stuff yet I dislike watching scary movies as 99.99% of the time they don't make sense nor a proper ending - with the exception of a Thai-made ghost movie entitled "Shutter". Other than Mr. Lee's books, I enjoyed reading "notes from an even smaller island" and "scribbles from the same island" by  Neil Humphreys and I was surprised to find out that he wrote many other books about Singapore and currently writes for Yahoo.  I never liked using Yahoo browser and have always preferred Google Chrome (brings back memories of the time Icy taught me how to change my default browser) and I can't remember the names of authors unless their books gave me a long-lasting impr


 Every day I would definitely claim all the free rewards in GBM by watching advertisements on my phone but suddenly I can't access to any of the ads and it says I need to allow App Tracking which I tried but couldn't. I tried finding solutions online and initially, it worked, I could allow App Tracking for GBM but after watching one ad, the whole thing repeated and I tried the same maneuver and it would not work. Is this a way of unforeseen forced trying to wean me away from GBM? Right now it is creating a lot of distress for me as that is the only leisure I have next to running and life would be quite dull without games.  Today I heard someone sobbing so hard as I jogged late in the evening. At first, I thought it was a child, but as I got closer the person suddenly stopped crying and it was a grown woman. I was in a lot of conflict on whether I should ask her if she is alright or should I just let her be. I wasn't wearing my glasses and hid them amongst one of the flower


 I only ran 5.8km today and it was because I was interrupted by a phone call. The only people who would call me would be my parents, siblings, or spouse so I was surprised to see that it was my brother-in-law who called me. I think it would be rather rude to continue running since he is after all my senior and I decided to stop and answer the call (only reason I run with my phone is to track the distance I run as I lost the free Mi Band watch my brother gave me *Sad*)  It was rather sweet of him to call to check if my parents were having a good time on their vacation since he played a role in managing their trip and giving good traveling advice. I told him that my parents were having the time of their lives especially my dad. Papa seems so honored to be born as a Chinese even though he is not born in China but he just felt proud to see how advanced China is (anyway my grandparents were from Fu Jian, China). Mama was just telling me how he seemed to be in awe with everything and we were


 It’s almost 1am and I couldn’t sleep again due to the heat wave. I was tired from my hectic oncall and skipped exercising today. Instead I slept off despite the heat for about 20 minutes and woke up in a puddle of my own sweat. I feel like a “gummy bear” all the time as my neck, armpits, the elbow crease and back of my knee feels sticky. It is really an unpleasant feeling and when I am on my bed I assume a star fish position in the hopes that I could air out all those sticky regions. Taking a shower does not help either and I rarely use a towel these days as the water gets evaporated so fast.  It is definitely too late to walk to the hospital now although I have walked to the hospital at 2am before and the streets were so serene that I felt for once I am the only human alive. Last night being in the ice cold operating theatre, I wished I could snuggle my soft toys and stay in a comforter and sleep. However, I was playing with “Level-1” last night instead of getting any rest because of


昨晚我家乡的邻居突然给我个简讯来分享他终于在七个月里成功的瘦下来了。他把他减肥的成绩单发给我看,里面有他七个月来的进展而且也记录得很详细。 我看着他的体脂肪减了,代谢年龄也小了,内脏脂肪也少了,替他感到开心。唯有不是很理想的是他的肌肉量也变少了。 其实我们不是很熟,他的母亲曾经是我幼儿园的老师,就很巧我在疫情时买的房子刚好是在他家对面。 由于我算是一个很少和朋友一起出去的人,很多时候都是一个人去进行我的爱好。我的爸爸呢又会整天担心我一个人去爬山,所以我看到对面的小弟尽然那么友善就约了他爬山。那时候我想能一举两得,就是鼓励别人做运动然后顺便让爸爸知道我是有人陪我去爬山 (可是我觉得我那时候也算是利用他来让我爸爸不要一直不放心我一个人)。没想到这小弟后来也当我像个姐姐来看待 (他小我六岁)。他家里还有两个弟弟所以我想他当大哥也很累因为一直要展现好榜样。我们也不常聊天但是通过我们的对话,我看得出他在事业上有种种的不满,感情上遇到了好几次的失败变得他对感情有点没自信也很害怕再次的受伤。 虽然这些我帮不了他,可是我很感动原来我也可以启发别人减肥! 仔细的想我这个人也不是个很好的朋友,我回了两次的家乡,他家就在我对面我也没有刻意去和他打招呼问好。可是他有看到我回家也问了我如何瘦下来因为三年前的我和现在的我是十公斤的差别。那时候我就以发简讯的方式和他联络就和他说尽量避免吃有糖的食物,多吃蛋白质,少吃碳水化合物,还有多运动多喝水,别熬夜,别喝酒。 没想到他真的有乖乖的听从指示,因为昨晚问他是用什么方式减肥,他就说:“和你教的,控制糖,和运动”。 虽然他不是九九六,可是工作时间也相当的长,就是七七六。所以每天回家只是做运动然后冲凉,睡觉。 我从他的时间表体会打工族的无奈 - 他连学线上交易都没时间学了。  我建议他最好还是要花点时间学新知识,再提升自己。他说最近看上了个美女,他们有一起跑步,我就给了他一点追求女生的点知, 没想到他尽然和我说他们只是在同一个地方跑步而且他还没有和她说过话。我的天啊,我心想这样不算是“一起跑步”呢!他就打听了她的名字然后上面书来“了解”她。 我不懂现代年轻人是怎么认识异性,可是我觉得只要他不开口踏出第一步是不会有任何的结果的。 我和他说被拒绝也是一个结果 (结局) 呀,至少不会浪费时间在不会选择你的人的身上。他说有无形的力量拦住他,让他走到她面前时无法开


 It is almost midnight now and here I am eating my dinner/supper. I don't usually eat supper except if I am on a holiday but I just felt so hungry and I realized whole day I only had a cup of Hojicha because I felt so sleepy despite adequate sleep, two hard-boiled eggs and some oats with kimchi. I felt a little hypoglycaemic as I stood up from a squatting position and decided I better have something to eat. I'm just so glad I'm not picky and I made some boiled potato and egg and chopped some garlic and mixed them together for a meal (and of course some Sichirami as flavoring). I tried to cut all the ingredients into small pieces and place them into my cute little playbear blender but it wouldn't blend.  I went for my run today and my timing is 15 seconds better than yesterday partly because I went after sun set and the cooler air improves my performance. I inadvertently put on 2kgs and now I need to lose 8kgs to be 46kgs. I don't know if I will ever achieve being un

Perfect Games

I am excited to have been mentioned by one of the players from China in Gunbound mobile (GBM). Whenever I see the opponent is from China, the likelihood for me to win is close to nil. I supposed most of them studied the game well, and are actively exchanging tips on how to come up with the best combination. I did not use much of my brainpower whenever I played and have always been open to suggestions from other players. I had been focusing so much on maximizing my tank's stats until another player from Singapore showed me that it should be the last consideration. I had a friendly match and his tank was delivering such high damages that the damage dealt is close to a special shot. That was quite an eye-opener and now I regret for not purchasing more neutral-colored jewels that can be placed in any color slot. My friend from China has advised me to do so during the last 2 seasons but I was not convinced because he did not show me the outcome of making such purchases. He was the one w

Meteor Shower

 I was very much looking forward to witness the meteor shower but I somehow couldn’t see any. In a period of an hour, all I saw was 4 flying objects which are likely commercial planes as all I could see was the blinking red light that accompanies the white moving light. I don’t know should I regret for not opting to camp at the observatory that I was offered earlier to star gaze and hunt for some meteors.  I remember wasting a wish when I was 15 and saw a comet that flew by so quickly that I wonder if it was an illusion. I recalled wishing a person who played Gunbound with me could stay in touch again. Somehow this memory did not stick in my head for long maybe because that was the first time in my life I was “ghosted” (lol, I did not even know about this term before this). Anyway I think that person was a bad influence asking me to play Gunbound as he told me he could help me revise physics and I believed him and I even measured everything on screen with rulers and protractor. Okay so


“植物有刺是为了保护自己,我心中的刺是为了什么?” which says "plants have thorns to protect themselves, what is the purpose of the thorn in my heart?". This was one of the captions I put on a photography project for my secondary school Mandarin language class and I was quite happy with myself for coming up with it. However, to feel what was described is quite unpleasant.  I realize I barely talk about what I feel in the workplace because I thought everything was a professional exchange and should not involve feelings. It is also a reason why I dislike forming friendships with my co-workers because somehow there will be situations at work where it could jeopardize things or make a working environment hostile. I am old enough to know about politics at the working environment and I should be able to maneuver myself through it unscathed. However today, I couldn't help feeling repulsive having to work with people who actually talk behind my back. They call it "venting out" but I do not appr

Cut Loss

 A week has flown since my anxiousness struck me so hard during my husband's surgery. It shows me that emotions and feelings are often temporary and there is a need to control which feelings should be suppressed. I have finished the book "You are not so smart" and it did affect me in a way that I now understand how the law of attraction or feng shui works, well at least it gives me a different perspective. To conclude I think the book made me a better person overall although there will still be certain things that I want to continue believing such as the comfort of seeing certain signs that reassure me even if it would mean that I am "not so smart".  Today, out of the blue it struck me that my young self would have looked up to my current self. I am not extremely accomplished but if I were to rewind time and trace back the "ambitions" I used to write down, I have achieved more than half of it right now. However, I find the adult me to be plagued with g