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Showing posts from 2010

Name Your Price.

Everything has a price even human have a price. Some people can be easily bought by bribing or by signing an agreement to which a win win situation is achieved - everything has its value. What about abstract things? do they have a value? oh yes they do! Let's say compliments, if you are too generous in giving them then it is most probable that it is just something said for your benefit and not a genuine gesture of appreciation. Another example is that young people these days no longer value friendship as they just simply Add and Remove friends on their Facebooks. I think I could understand the need to remove unwanted contact but I don't see the need to add unknown contacts. In my opinion, unless the person have some ulterior motives he/she whom possesses a sane mind should by no means add you to his or her friends list if he or she do not know you. The sad thing is adding a friend is a Mutual responsibility and yet there are still tons of people out there who seems to love the


Be a good kid, know what your parents did for you. Dont be a "Si Gi nah"~! Our parents are the best people we could ever have in our entire life time. Appreciate them while you still can. Put your parents first before anything you do because parents always wants the best for their kids and most of the time they knows the best. Even if you HAPPENED to know better you must still consult them. NEVER hurt your parents or backtalk your parents. IF you never EXIST your parents could have had a much better life but yet they trade many luxuries for YOU. Just think...while you go and watch 3D movies, drink Starbucks, wear branded clothes etc...your parents are working so hard, hardly go for movies, just drink rm1 kopi O in shop and wear pasar malam clothes...etc...PLEASE THINK OF YOUR PARENTS OKAY?!

Let's Keep the Ball Rolling~

Yeah I am oh so thankful that I am getting all the motivation I need all around me. Going to really appreciate my education now cause I feel like I never ever value my education in university level and I am going to be a doctor?! Duh! hahaha, no worries I won't kill my patient ya? In fact I am going to be a pro-healer just like Dr.House minus the house-ism *laughs I know somewhere out there you are doing your best too so I will also play my role and do my best =) Thanks you!

I am taking back my Love

I want my Love back and I want it back with you still holding on to it - yeah I want you back. I want to learn to love myself and also at the same time I want to be able to feel your love. I am me, I am an individual who is unique in her own way and I deserve to get all the Love that the world could ever offer. I know I am ready for love, are you ready? Let's get going if you are ready.

God is Love

If God is love then I no longer believe in God as I no longer believe in Love. It is ironic how I have always worshiped Love and everything that is associated with it. Aphrodite, cupid, pink color rose quartz, heart shapes...everything to do with Love seems so beautiful. Whenever I hear anyone break up I always ask them to cheer up and move on yet I feel like I am stuck somewhere foreign and cold right now. Perhaps it is lights out for me now but I know someday I will decorate my world with those colorful Christmas lights again. And when that fated day arrive, maybe I will be able to renew my hope in Love =) It started with a "Melody" and so it shall end with one. KISS ME GOODBYE (Written by John Barry Mason / Leslie David Reed) Petula Clark - Peaked at # 15 in 1968 We choose it, win or lose it Love is never quite the same I love you, now I've lost you Don't feel bad, you're not to blame So kiss me goodbye and I'll try not to cry All the tears in the world won


Every time you opt to be quiet it makes me speechless too. You have your feelings and so do I. You told me to have open communication and I did just that. I thought you respected me but it seems like as long as you feel something is good for me you force your values into my mind. I hate it that I always confer to your wishes - your wishes of wanting me to be strong, your wishes for me to listen to ridiculous talks about breakups and cheating partners, your wishes that I prepare myself for a breakup, your wishes that I give you space (lot's of them), your wishes... it's always your wishes. Everything you want me to do, I tried my best but have you tried your best? You think I am weak just because I confide my downfalls to you but in fact I am a lot stronger than you think I am. If your intention is to always to run away and be speechless...then who is the one that is running away from reality?

Remember Me

I just want you to remember me and remember me you should cause I am the person who loves you and you know that I always would. Your smile and my smile could mesmerize angels, how could Aphrodite be so blind as to ignore us? As I dream about our future and wish on every star, I just ask you to remember me even though we are far (apart). I know I will keep you in my heart 'cause you are my strength How I pray that between us there is no measurable length.

Feeble Wings of Faith

Help me to hold firm in my faith Dear Lord. Matthew 5:11-12 (New International Version) 11 "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." How I wished it was easy for me to feel blessed when the people around me are against my believes especially my loved ones particularly my dad. It isn't easy looking at the disappointment on my friend's face when she saw me possessing a bible. I just feel more confused after speaking to my mom on the phone. She is happy for me yet she give me advices like "I just don't want you to come back here and try to influence people". What is my mom trying to tell me? I just feel very lost wonder years ago I did not dare accept Christ officially as I know all this will happen. However, I feel I did a right decis


I do wonder what is he doing at 1.45am. I thought he was suppose to be in bed, asleep. It worries me to find a reply from him at such late hours or probably there is a glitch with the network? I am not sure. Anyway I feel like I am left hanging and it isn't the best feeling ever. If he is worried I do hope that he can find ways to be worry free cause it pains me to see him worried. If he is working till that late I do hope he can get his work done and rest earlier. I hope it is the latter cause it feels much better to know he was staying up working than worrying. Yeah...certainly can't imagine him with a worried look cause he always have this smiling face that is really cute and adorable! Perhaps I should ask him cause I know he will not call me ever again ever since he said somethings. Well, I guess for the sake of care I don't mind being the less ego party and call him. There's no point in being ego or cold cause life is short and we should live life to the fullest!

I Do Wonder

Will you hurt the one you love? When she cries on the phone will you remain stone cold and just leave her in that state? Recently I saw a good friend of mine crying in the toilet and I felt bad. First of all she is my housemate and I find her to be a plesant person and that is why I felt a sense of concern when I see her crying herself out in the toilet. When I offered to lend a ear she just told me that she will be okay in a while's time and it is nothing...just some boyfriend thing. It amazed me that guys these days do not know how to appreciate their love ones. If I were a guy I would not have cut the line leaving my girlfriend crying. I will only do so after consoling her. Anyway $%^& the guys these days! Not to be rude but you can see how women are starting to dominate the world in most areas as women treasure what they have and they always try their best to achieve the best (most of them). I am not saying all men is bad but in my opinion MOST of the 21st century young men

Timeless Pain

Have you ever feel so sorrowful because you are helpless in saving the one you love? I am feeling a timeless pain in my heart for having failed to take good care of my possession of 12 years. "He" was the one that accompanied me on special occasions in primary school time. Every time I go for competitions, go on stage, attend a party, "he" comes along with me. "He" was my only comfort when I went to secondary school. Always by my side, guiding me, ensuring I can manage everything single handed though I believe I couldn't have done it without "him". Even during exams, it was he who play a major role in all my endeavors. I don't know how to survive all those hurdles without "him". Even now...I am still dependent upon "him". Though eventually I set my eyes on a different "person", yet I still love "him" as I cannot stop having "him" by my side even though the new "person" have becom