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Showing posts from February, 2009


I wish I can be matured like the way you are. I feel silly sometimes when I try to view myself through your eyes. It's a wonder that you have been so patient with me all these while. At times, I find myself to be a great "bimbo" after voicing out all my opinions and worries cause you will come up with a magic solution which solves everything! Even though you are elder than me a little bit, I still feel that there's a big gap between us when it comes to maturity. I find myself childish at times and that makes me feel so annoyed with myself (*wince). Deep down in my heart, I wish I can be a matured young lady who can handle anything that is coming her way like an adult. I really need to work hard to take a step towards adulthood! Remember the endless times of me throwing a tantrum and crying my eye-balls out? That seem so unintelligent now. Somehow I am quite disappointed with myself whenever I cry cause it's like all my weakness is reflected via each drop of tear


This world is full of lies, every little alley of life is full of lies. Trust me, even what I am saying now can be a lie. So, who do you suppose you can trust when even those you trust give you nothing but trusting lies. Everyone is trying to convince me, to persuade me, to make me believe in their thoughts, their actions, their LIES. It is very tiring. I wish that I can get myself out from this web of lies. I can if I try to shut the world out and live in my world...but that would sound like I am lying to myself as there's no way people can shut the world around them and curl cozily into a world of their own. No man is an island okay! Will someone be truthful to me for once? I am still waiting for the truth. Cause deep in my heart I have uncertainties and doubts. I know that things are not quite right.

Trust Your Silence

Sometimes it is good to be silent. Pythagoras said "Be silent if you can't say anything better than silence" And also, silence is appropriate when someone have had a pact of secrecy with you. I think most of the times we can't keep a secret is because we are too trusting. Mr.A will tell Mr.B not to tell anyone but since Mr.C is Mr.B's good buddy he tell Mr.C what Mr.A said not to tell ANYONE AT ALL. So, that's how a secret is leaked out as Mr.C might have a close buddy too and in the end, the secret will be publicly acknowledge and it's too late to do anything to cover up anything. Trust is not an easy thing to build between people and once you violate that trust, it might take a lot more time than you can ever imagine to rebuild it. It's a huge price to pay if you can't keep your mouth shut. I know, we would want to be trusted and gain trust from those we care...but how do you think others can trust you if you have a tendency to let a secret lea

Wait For You

I recall that we once had an argument and we were in a cold war, but you melted my heart with a song you sent me. It was entitled "wait for you". It was a very meaningful song and I have never hear it before. Today, miraculously, I heard the song on the radio. I don't usually listen to the radio but I was in the car heading to Kota Kinabalu and that song was playing on the car radio. It keep reminding me of you and I feel there's a lump in my throat to think back many-a-times we have some misunderstanding and it would always be alright...except for this time. I wonder will everything be alright again someday? am I losing you? Shall I say "I'll wait for you?" or should it be the other way round? All my plans for us...all my happy thoughts of us, seemed so far away now. I still wished that I could change the situation. I tried...but I failed. I tried to recreate lost times... should have known that somethings once lost is lost forever. If I had left it tha

Cold War

Please don't start a cold war with me, it is the most unbearable thing for me if you do so. I realise some of the words I said was wrong, but even if I explain myself would you hear me out? The more I try to explain the more unclear it becomes and the more we will drown in a sea of misunderstandings. You are the only person that I can ever say is special and you have become a part of me. It feels so weird not to hear from you, not to hear your voice, not able to laugh at your funny ways and most of all not knowing how are you right now. Every time I do something, my mind will always be wondering, what are you doing right now? It tortures me not to be able to find out what you are currently doing. I was so positive you would call and talk with me but each time I look at my phone, it just shows the display which I have learned to get tired of. Since I am unable to share with you what I did lately, I think I will just share it with my blog. It's not the same though... Today I didn


I wanted to let you see all my secrets and that was a huge mistake. I confronted you on all of my problems and worries, trusting you without any hint of doubt. The problem have always been me, and I know you are tired of this routine. Just last night, you told me "I don't know what to say if you are always like this". Perhaps the reason you have put up with me is because you just want to challenge yourself. You just love challenges don't you? I love it too. Can I not be given a chance to change for the better? Don't you have any trust in what I say? Why must you deny my words and accuse me of being something I am trying to extract myself from? This is not the first time someone insist that I am "like that". I thought you were different. I thought you were my shelter, my friend...but you are just the same as everyone else. Thanks for hurting me again and bringing up a lot of my old wounded past. Don't try to be nice to me. Don't try to act as if y

Can you be my Valentine?

No dates, no chocolates, no surprises... no Valentine... Unhappy? No Cause there's still Eros - The God of Love! A girl wishes badly for the guy she adores to ask her for a date and it never happened because she did not take charge of the situation and be courageous enough to ask him out for a date. A guy hopes that the girl he admires can understand that everyday is a valentine and not just today but that never happened cause the guy was too afraid to say "I Love You" to her as often as he wishes her to have good day. Love is given, not something expected. Love is shown, not something reserved. Happy Valentine's Day to You!


I never really understood the meaning of being "tagged", anyway, thanks to Bear Lo, I know what it means now, cause he tagged me on facebook. Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. 1. I am a Chocoholic (I LOVE Chocolates!!!) 2. My distinct trait is my compassionate nature (Someone said so too =P) 3. I admit my mom has a younger soul than me (I think she have drank the potion of youth) 4. I love getting hugged by family members (Bear hugs from those you love warms the heart!) 5. I love sincere and sweet natured people (who doesn't?) *. I trust in the Law of Attraction (Rhonda Byrne Rocks!) 6. I feel my day is brighten when I see smiling faces around me ( put on a smile for me please) 7. I want a fairytale love life (Like romeo and juliet