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Showing posts from August, 2019

Rebirth after almost a Decade

Almost a decade have gone by, I am definitely older but am I wiser?         With the invention of multiple social media platforms, the way we express ourselves have changed with time. Those feelings where we used to  express with words are now replaced by images, videos, Emojis and Memes. As for me, I still feel that nothing could replace describing my feelings and emotions with words. Words gives us the power to imagine and that imagination is unique to each and every individual. I recalled reading the story "Life of Pi" and due to the author's creativity and skills, the impact of the words from the story book took me on a trip of boundless imagination. Later on, when the movie was broadcasted, despite having great audio visual, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed as it is inferior to what I had imagined.        Discovering my blog again after a lapse of time does give me a new found inspiration. I have decided I will start writing again and hope that so