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Showing posts from January, 2010

Timeless Pain

Have you ever feel so sorrowful because you are helpless in saving the one you love? I am feeling a timeless pain in my heart for having failed to take good care of my possession of 12 years. "He" was the one that accompanied me on special occasions in primary school time. Every time I go for competitions, go on stage, attend a party, "he" comes along with me. "He" was my only comfort when I went to secondary school. Always by my side, guiding me, ensuring I can manage everything single handed though I believe I couldn't have done it without "him". Even during exams, it was he who play a major role in all my endeavors. I don't know how to survive all those hurdles without "him". Even now...I am still dependent upon "him". Though eventually I set my eyes on a different "person", yet I still love "him" as I cannot stop having "him" by my side even though the new "person" have becom