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 Do you believe in Feng Shui? I do believe in it and I gave myself a chance to learn by attending a 3day free Feng Shui course online to have a better understanding. Despite the course being free, it does provide a lot of insight and value. The master was very charismatic and the main selling point for his methods is the ability to be in synchrony with the current way of living. He debunked many old-fashioned methods that had no proper basis and highlighted that Feng Shui is not about superstition. I used to feel a slight disappointment towards those who are too deeply involved in such believes because I did not understand the basis of it and it had no logic to it. However, what the mind does not know, the eyes will not see and the heart will never accept. I had a lot of doubts when I was dating my other half because his background involves believing in these things that I often thought were non-scientific and silly. I also often tell him if the Feng shui master is able to use Feng Shui to change the lives of people for the better, why do they themselves need to keep working and earning money via giving Feng shui advices?


The last 3days, master Louis Loh have successfully changed my general outlook. First of all, he has encounter people like me during his consultations with his clients. He shared that people with my mindset have a misconception that no effort or work is needed in order to have a better life and this sort of mindset is not a growth mindset. With Feng Shui knowledge we still need to take action and execute the needful to improve our lives. Of all the things he said, I love the concept of value the most. He mentioned that long lasting relationships are built on the foundations of value. Ask yourself what value can you bring to others? People of value will also attract a lot of noblemen (贵人)into their lives because value is always bidirectional and it is also a form of energy. I never thought that all those noblemen who crossed path with me was because I was also providing value and this knowledge is a driving force for me to ensure I engage myself in continuous self-improvement.


The effects of being a person of value is remarkable as I witness obvious changes that happened to me instantly when I tried being kinder and enhanced my situational awareness at work. Instead of just doing my work and putting a blind eye towards a colleague from a different department that seems to be struggling with intravenous line setting on an awake patient (I personally never like to do procedures on an awake person as I am so used to the pool of patients who are well sedated in the intensive care or operating room), I offered my help and it does feel good internally when my help did a positive impact. The first impact was on the patient, she did not have to endure being poked multiple times. The second impact was on me, I felt good to be able to help and it boosted my confidence in using the ultrasound for difficult intravenous line and lastly, I think the colleague was appreciative because her job is done and she do not have to continuously apologize to the patient whenever she could not cannulate the vein. It was just a simple act and did not take more than 5minutes of my time.


Having done that, I think the universe wanted to challenge me further. At 4am when I was able to get some shut eye moment, I was woken up by a phone call to attend to a patient which was not in my care or responsibility. The colleague that was supposed to attend the patient seems to divert the call to me and I did not question why and immediately went to the patient's bedside. It was an infant about 7kg in weight and there were difficulties getting a blood gas as he did not have an arterial line (It is a catheter in the artery to facilitate blood taking and continuous blood pressure monitoring). I was contemplating should I try to insert an arterial line in such a small infant? (My hesitation was due to fear of complications besides I am not the one who was supposed to attend to the patient but I understand that job roles are not clearly outlined at times especially when it is after the office hours). I flip the notes and found that it was the same patient whom I inserted the arterial line a month ago and decided to give it a go. Thankfully in that sleep deprived state with the guidance of ultrasound, I was able to put in the cannula on the second attempt and again received words of appreciation from the nurses.


4 hours later received a text asking "did you insert the arterial line?" and my stomach starts to twist, I was thinking did I caused a complication such as a hematoma since it was not a procedure where I had succeeded on the first attempt. Moreover, I think it is an issue related with confidence as I do not handle infants on a regular basis and tend to be hypervigilant when I do handle them so leading to the assumption of something had went wrong. In the end my colleague just wanted to thank me and I reminded myself to have a more positive outlook next time or in the long run this career is bound to affect my health. Having done a few things that have added value during my shift, I was rewarded by a phone call from the Growth Valley stating that my question has been selected and they will provide a free consultation to help me out. I was thrilled and felt waves after waves of gratitude.


Tonight, is going to be quite special because I am going to attend the Unsinkable Super Conference. I decided to check it out since it has a lot of the familiar authors of self-help books which have accompanied me all my life. I do not know how or why but I seem to chance upon the free eBook "Bounce Back Big" by Sonia Ricotti and that led to me watching the "Unsinkable" movie and now I am all ready for the super conference. I do subscribe to emails from the Law of Attraction but hardly have time to read the things they sent me but this time I did and found a treasure. Everything is falling into place beautifully even at the face of hardships and adversities. I feel loved and I will continue to exude love in my daily living and bring value to myself and others.


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